Hello lovelies. I couldn't think of a better day on which to post a few thoughts which will hopefully add some light to your coming week and maybe even (since I'm an ambitious girl) for years to come. The last 4 months have been particularly hectic and stressful, and there have been times when I decided that "Ok, you got this" and other times when I've been "Ugh. Make it all stop". Last week I took some of my own advice which I had posted a while back in 6 Steps to Feeling Daunted along with a bit of the advice in The Simple Art of Reinvention. Since then I've regained more of my "muchness" and continued on the journey.
But I happened upon something today during some spring cleaning and rearranging of sorts, which was like Red Bull for a somewhat weary spirit. It was a card from one of my dearest friends who no number of words could describe fully, because of how truly dynamic and multi-faceted a person she is (and when you read what she gave me you will understand why I say this because she doesn't say things she doesn't mean). She sat and wrote out the words to T.D. Jake's "Because" for me and I thought I would do the same for you.
Just because noone has been fortunate enough to realize what a gold mine you are
Doesn't mean you should shine any less
Just because noone has been smart enough to figure out that you can't be topped
Doesn't stop you from being the best
Just because noone has come along to share your life
Doesn't mean that day isn't coming
Just because nooone has made the race worthwhile
Doesn't give you permission to stop running
Just because noone has realized how much of an awesome woman you are
Doesn't mean they can affect your femininity
Just because noone has shown up who can love you on your level
Doesn't mean you have to sink to theirs
Just because you deserve the very best there is
Doesn't mean life will always be fair
Just because God is still preparing your king
Doesn't mean you're not already a Queen
Just because your situation doesn't seem to be progressing right now
Doesn't mean that you need to change a thing
Keep shining, keep running, keep hoping
Keep praying, keep being exactly what you already are
Have a great week.
Peace & Love
-Keeta :)
P.S. Dedicated to the Tiny Diva xoxo