Sunday, May 15, 2011

Living with Demons.....

This week was an interesting one. Too much happening as usual and very rarely do I ever get the time to process everything till the weekend which is it's own version of hectic (gotta fit in A LOT of sleep *grin*).

But seriously, processing the various things we go through on a daily basis takes up so much energy sometimes it's easier not to bother, sub-consciously or not. But this week I saw first-hand how not processing event can assist you in unwittingly creating "demons". Not literally the ugly, grotesque-looking things that you see crawling out of walls, mirrors and other surfaces in thrillers, but feelings that until you get to a point of actually speaking about them or being faced directly with them through a parallel situation they form their own life-force within your mind.

So I had to deal with that a bit this week. The mean and sometimes very ugly demons can easily consume any peace-of-mind you manage to create for yourself. But an important realisation to make is that despite situations and whatever options you seem to have or not have, is that we do have power. And very often we create our own choices.....and our own demons. I created a demon of my own simply by choosing (seemingly unknowingly at first) to see the negatives first regarding a particular situation. Thankfully, given my appreciation of actually vocalising what is in my head, I was able to identify my demon and figure out how to move ahead. Never easy but no less important.

The picture I chose for this I thought was very apt because sometimes I feel as if there are 3 different persons in one body. And no I'm not referring to schizophrenia or multi-polarity but if an issue become big enough it almost seems to become it's own body.

So my lesson this week is to take the time to process so that I manufacture as little demons as possible for myself.

Peace & Love.

Keeta :)


  1. Uhhmm...I dont like what i reading here at all even tho u were able to overcome the demons. What kinda demons and why I dont kno bout them missy? We need to talk!

    BTW...That pic is by FAR one of ma faves! Have it saved somewhere maself from when!

  2. I understand Keets... sometimes the biggest problem is the processing. The emotional energy required to process, although less than fighting the actual demon, tends to be initially overwhelming. I think sometimes depending on the situation there needs to be a period of rest prior to review and processing. This rest period is what gets ppl in trouble because the comfort of rest from the situation lends itself to ignoring the problem altogether (then the festering begins).
    Anyway my dear, it's good that you have given yourself the mission of allowing as little demons to pop up as possible. Thats the first step!

  3. I agree Jus.

    Morgy please remain calm :)You are thinking ugly demon from horror movies (as noted in blog) and there's no drama :)

