I had an interesting conversation with my friend about my penchant for the cute, fluffy and anything having to do with Winnie-The-Pooh. The conversation had to do with the fact that she had been struggling to finish her Bachelor's for a couple years because at times she did not have the necessary focus or drive to push. she continued saying that she was proud of how I stuck to my goals and finally completed my Masters. I was flattered but I knew all of those feelings she expressed to me. I gave her some advice (related to my Pooh obsession) that I thought I could share.
We all have quirks. Little things we do or like that are unique to just us (Mine as I noted earlier was anything having to do with Pooh bear, anything sickeningly cute or pink) So how does one do this?
- Well for the college student who may have tonnes of reading to do, especially for a course that is not in the least bit fun or inspiring- if stickers are your thing then put some pretty on that book. Another trick is to use a nice pen or a new highlighter. We all like nice new things. And get a pencil/pen/higlighter that's in your favourite colour.
- If you are someone who can do a bit of multi-tasking while studying/reading make sure to load some songs that you simply cannot get enough of on to your MP3 player and have a good listen while you do some of your reading.
- Snacks are always a welcome addition, keep a bit of the things you like to munch on around you studying is more fun. Even if it is Kid Cuisine cause you love the little mini-pizzas (Lol)
Focus is sometimes a scarce commodity but making the workspace one that you look forward to is a NECESSITY!!!! Make it reflect you. If you like candles light candles. Wear your Hello Kitty socks so that you feel comfortable and you have that extra happy, thus you would have given yourself that energy to get the work done. These are but a few suggestions but essentially anything you would do to make your space more you do that for your workspace. The average college student does most of his/her work outside of the lecture room and on his/her own so you should at least enjoy it.
If you know there are little things that people may laugh at or think you're crazy for, let them laugh. You are being productive and getting stuff done and at the end of the day noone can argue with that :) plus what better way to appreciate and pay homage to your God-given quirks and whims.
Peace & Luv
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