Hello my lovelies. It has been awhile since I've written a post. However, I have not been absent for fickle reasons. There has been a lot happening in these last few months and with them many ideas have run through my mind about what other small bit of wisdom I could impart to my readers and even to myself. Because, what is the point of experience after all if not to learn and grow.
A not-so-novel but no less epiphany causing thought hit me the other day. I heard someone say "I need to reinvent myself". Now in the literal sense this is not possible, you can't very well go back into the womb after all, however, when you think about how simple, and at the same time how complex, reinvention can be you realise that you owe it to yourself to do this.
Now, you might be thinking that I am suggesting a dramatic makeover (like Stacy and Clinton on TLCs "What-Not-To-Wear") however, I am referring to actions which, though related to Stacy and Clinton, are even simpler and take far less time. In fact some of these same things are things which you may do quite frequently (a haircut, wearing brighter colours etc.) but in order to consider them as reinvention it will require a change in your perspective. Essentially you need to appreciate actions as a chance to make things better.
Firstly it is important to think of reinvention, not necessarily as an act which will cause you to completely change direction in your life, but as something which will give a further push in the direction in which you are heading (provided it is a good one). What do I mean?
For example, when something that you may use everyday such as your cell phone stops working and you get it fixed, the feeling that things are moving along and you're back in your old groove is a part of that perspective to which I referred above. The broken part of you may be a small habit you've been trying to break, such as waking up late. Once you put the effort in changing your behaviour to "fix" your problem, and see the results (getting to work/school on time and being more productive), you will experience that feeling of new-found perspective.
Reinvention also refers to packaging yourself differently so you can appreciate yourself more. Take for example a friend of mine, Ms. V, who has spent the last few months working tirelessly to achieve additional physical fabulosity in the form of a smaller self. She has always been a beautiful woman, both inside and out, but after her achievement of losing weight she decided that it was time to take something good and make it better, by chopping off her hair. Now Jamaican people hate when persons with long hair have a drastic haircut and she was apprehensive about doing it but the results were amazing. And even if the haircut didn't come out as expected, the time she spent discovering what looks would work for her while the hair grew back would allow for her to gain even newer perspective. Even more important, is the fact that even though it was just a haircut, it gave her a little extra oomph.
And here is where a drastic change may also be beneficial as well. If you've always wondered if there is something you could be doing but aspects of yourself are holding you back from it, figure out what is the very first thing you will need to make this better. You'd be surprised to know that quite often you can start yourself off without any money, but simply armed with some information (which with the advent of the Internet is that much easier to obtain).
The simplicity of making a few small changes always adds new perspective to how you can change and make things better for yourself.
The trick is to start small and expand.
Peace & Love
-Keeta :)
I love this post, because I've done that many MANY times!! Ask any of my friends about my tendency to go AWOL for long spells (weeks, months) and then come back a different person... I believe in self-reinvention. It's necessary as you keep growing and learning in life.
ReplyDeleteEvery couple of months, I take stock of where I am in comparison to where I want to be, etc. and then make the necessary changes. Most recently, I just got out of the social buzz and into the boooks and news... I landed myself a fabulous job in the process (with The Almighty's help and providence, of course)!
Now, i'm looking at other things... and I know that by, say, June/July, it'll be a whole new Ruthi again. Reinvention is necessary. Another plus? It keeps you interesting and unpredictable!