I was having a conversation today with someone whose opinion I truly value (one of my role models so to speak). We were discussing this blog somewhat and she asked me how often I made a post and I responded that I write when I am inspired. And of course, I thought back to the conversation (as I usually do with conversations which last longer than a few minutes) and I thought about inspiration.
Inspiration is said by many to be a divine gift, an epiphany of sorts. Many people are fully in tune with what inspires them. The various things or activities which cause them to produce works of varying types. Now while I may be able to say what in particular had inspired me to do something at a given time, I have realized that those same things may not exactly work at another again in the same way.
Then there is the mystery of what it is we may to be inspired to do. Or in my case, for example, the simple fact that I wait to be inspired to write which simply means inspiration (which if we operate on the premise that inspiration is a gift) must come for me to further develop my other gift- the writing. A little convoluted though it may seem, it got me thinking how much other persons at this stage of their life (20-something) have lost their inspiration or simply dont feel like they have any, because they may have ended up like a stunted stalagmite unable to receive more minerals from the larger structure above or they may have been wooed by flames a moth should otherwise ignore.
Why wait till you're 30, 40 or older to really be inspired to do more with you? Have you ever really sat and wondered if you are giving yourself the attention you deserve by finding that inspiration to find out more about you? And then is it really life and all it offers that you're searching for or the inspiration to really get up and chase it? Inspiration when you think about it can mean so many different things but really, like many other things in life, it is one of those things or gifts that when you get it you know it really only was meant for you.
Several points:
ReplyDelete1. I don't think life is something to be chased. It's not an obscure, abstract entity somewhere out there that you have to find. It's here. It's now. And I think if someone at 20-something is still waiting for inspiration to find/'really get up and chase life', then that someone is missing out, as each second passes, on exactly what they're looking for...
2. I write when I am inspired and to be inspired (this link explains what I mean).
3. I believe man has done himself a grave injustice by overlooking his own inherent worth and potential. We've somehow forgotten to see the beauty within ourselves, and have started looking elsewhere to find what is right in front of us, and even inside of us... like inspiration.
Why can't I be my inspiration? I mean, since I have no control over how other things, people or moments will be, why should I wait on them to inspire me?? Would it not be wiser to keep things in the realm of what I can control (me), and in the realm of who/what I can always rely on (GOD and me), and let that be my source of constant inspiration? If this is indeed so, then isn't it fair to say that inspiration, like life, is not something to be found or received from an external source, but something already resident within us that just needs to be tapped into?
That's why I'm a big advocate of selfishness (the antonym for selflessness, which is the absence of self). I think we've been socialised to believe that seeing ourselves as continuously talented, bright, beautiful, smart and downright inspiring is wrong, prudish and selfish. We're human and therefore full of mistakes and fallibilities, we've been taught, the implication being: there could never be anything inspiring about us. But I say, I AM my inspiration. I am, and that alone warrants notice, so sit up world, and pay attention!!
When I say it, people look at me like, wow, well you're a self-loving narcissist. I always reply, well you know what? If it's true that you can't love anyone else till you love yourself, then that means I have a whole damn lot of love to go round!! Like my friend Jewel loves to say: live to love, love to live.
And I refuse to wait till I'm old to BE. Nobody promised me tomorrow! My girl Ruth Rhytswell is always saying, live life like a legend, live life like it's golden.
Be your inspiration!
PS Me know me chat nuff, but hey, I felt inspired! This be my not-so-humble opinion... (BTW, the links are to blogs I highly recommend, check them out!)
This was so provocative that I did a posty on the same topic on my own blog.... thanks for being my inspitration, lol!!!
ReplyDeletetrue words Keeta
ReplyDeleteThx guys. And to Ruthibelle: no problem girlie :)
ReplyDeleteAnd btw just to clarify, how I refer to inspiration here is solely from my perspective. To each his own. Dont forget that. Peace and luv