Over the past week, I have spent countless hours playing my newest acquisition Sims 3. Having always heard friends speak of how addictive the game was, naturally, with very peaked interest, when I was offered a copy I jumped at it.
Experts may psychoanalyse the extreme interest in creating and controlling almost every aspect of a person's life, down to how they flirt with a romantic interest. But save for my sub-surface control issues (which I have already acknowledged earlier in life) there is something that has been on my mind. What if life were like the Sims?
Cheat codes for free real estate, endless money and perfect moods. Simulated perfection. Pun intended. The game took on a new life for me after discovering these cheats.
While I acknowledge my friend's rebuffing of my use of cheats (it was in fact her reaction that inspired this piece), I thought it humorous nevertheless that she was telling me this while her Sim was a professional thief. She chided me and said she would work hard at her career (lol) and get rich the "normal"way not by cheat codes. The irony.
So what is it I want to philosphize about regarding this game? In the daily grind of things, perhaps being able to plan my life as I see it via Sims (cheat codes and all) will not only allow for endless hours of stress-relief and fun, but allow for some very helpful visualization. Life as I would like iy, or maybe have dreamed it. The successful woman-mother, career woman, sexy wife or even the lonely, hopeless romantic thief who loves to go fishing, searching for a mate. And at least if I ever wonder about the taboo things in life, I have a ready avenue through my life in simulation.
Peace & luv girlies
-Keeta :)
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