Like any thing that has gathered too much air or extra baggage, so is our emotional threshold. Lately, I have gained new appreciation for the need to vent and by extension vegetate (I will explain what I mean by that in a minute). It has also occurred to me in recent times, how difficult it is to extract yourself from the midst of drama short of being a hermit. Well, sans the details, I will explain how it is that I have subtracted that drama and sought to vent and vegetate thus preserving and (perhaps increasing) my sanity.
Now, for any 20-something drama seems to be almost inevitable. And this could mean just about anything. Drama for me is any unnecessary, unplanned and unwelcome event that seeks to distract from, distress and destroy that peace-of-mind I have come to cherish so much. And like most other things in life, drama also has varying levels. The drama I am speaking of particularly, is any looming thing, whether personal or professional that you have to make an even more concerted effort than usual to cope with, get over or get rid off.
But not to worry girlies, I come bearing gifts or hopefully, as I think of it, wisdom. The last 4 months of my life have seen quite its fair share of drama. And through trial and error (lots I might add) I have finally learnt exactly what it is you need to do to deal:
1. Vegetate. This simply means that for about 2-3 hours you are going to do something which requires little or no mental energy and will not cause you to get worked up or think about whatever it is that is bothering you. A very simple one to resort to is for those of us girls who are little on the geek side, video games will more than accomplish that for you. And better yet, mindless television (with the abundance of reality shows on tv now, you should have no problems there). My personal favourite is Spongebob.
2. Write. Write how you feel. Sound the words out in your head as you write them. With each word a little bit of your peace-of-mind of will return.
3. Colour. Now this one is a personal favourite. I suggested it to my doctor 3 years ago and she completely agreed wih me. Colouring books are not just for kids anymore. Colour outside the lines; colour things in shades they would never be in real life (dolphins might actaully look nicer in pink. *smile*) And who cares what persons might think if you decide to walk around with 2 cartoon colouring pages and a ziploc bag of Crayolas. You are doing this for yourself!!!
1. Bawl. No not cry, you heard me right. BAWL! And the worse the issue, the bigger the bawl. Why am I encouraging crying you ask? Because this is the easiest method to get rid of baggage. Hence the need to insert it in most if not all movies aimed at a female demographic. Now this step along with a few others I will mention usually work in conjunction with something else. Cry with something you like very much, whether your favourite CD playing, sitcom on television or hugging a ratty stuffed animal. Though you may not want to be around other people there is no reason you should be without an essential favourite thing. Now wash your face and pull your chin up. Time to move on!!
2. Scream. That scream in the pillow trick is no joke. It does actually work. Really. And better yet, screaming without the pillow is just as fruitful (just make sure you will be the only one to hear it). Now a word of caution, scream at intervals so that you won't suffer from a horrible headache after and the results will be just as rewarding.
3. Stop caring. Now before you jump to conclusions, what I mean by this is that you need to not pay attention to all the other things that are holding you back. Just let whatever is be that way and you deal with your thing.
4. Find your guru and talk. Now this may just be exactly what you need especially if it's some encouragement and reassuring will help you get through the drama. Tell it all to that one person and take solace in a spare pair of shoulders for that moment. (NOTE: this is also good for when you're not at breaking point as well).
The most important way to cope however, is to develop your own quirks. My suggestions may work yes (and my lists are by no means exhaustive) but I'm sure you have things that you do that may seem weird or funny but make you feel better or even perfect.. Love those things. And at the end of the day, remember nothing else that you're doing will ever work as well as you planned it to, if at the core of it all YOU are not feeling FABULOUS!!
Peace & luv girlies
-Keeta :)
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